EXMARaLDA changes

exakt | folker | partitureditor | orthonormal | coma | all | sextant | teidrop | tagger |

(bug; feature; change)


Date Version Change
20.02.2025 1.4.3 Retrieve types for annotation layers (issue #512)
20.02.2025 1.4.3 Retrieve available values for a given metadata attribute (issue #511)
20.02.2025 1.4.3 Make all* Coma fields available for Metadata columns in EXAKT (issue #492)
11.11.2024 1.4.2 Respect hidden tiers (issue #495)
28.05.2024 1.4.1 Case-insensitive sorting for all transcription columns (issue #422)
21.04.2024 1.4.1 Open Partitur-Editor action (issue #417)
21.04.2024 1.4.1 Event-based segmentation for INEL (issue #470)
10.08.2023 1.4 Shuffle (issue #362)
18.04.2023 1.4 Fix for inconsistent data update after "Add annotation" (issue #380)
01.03.2023 1.4 Fixed problems with FLN import wizard (issue #328)
15.02.2023 1.4 Message when max number of search results exceeded (issue #370)
15.02.2023 1.4 Fixes for FOLKER corpus wizard (issue #328)
18.12.2022 1.4 FOLKER corpus wizard can now import FLN with token annotations (issue #328)
01.12.2022 1.4 Pretty print XML output (issue #340)
20.11.2022 1.4 Auto adjust columns widths, change font action (issue #331)
19.11.2022 1.4 Confirm exit (issue #332)
04.11.2021 1.4 Bug fix: CSV export with empty left or right context (issue #277)
31.05.2021 1.4 Character encoding bug in Save concordance (issue #267)
01.12.2020 1.4 Resurrected remote corpus function (issue #155)
30.11.2020 1.4 Cosmetic changes (issue #225)
11.09.2020 1.4 XML should be default when saving a KWIC (issue #221)
09.05.2019 1.3.1 added new option to save a result list from the concordance in CSV format (issue #188)
15.10.2018 1.3.1 Alphabetic ordering description tiers in search and annotatio… (issue #182)
15.10.2018 1.3.1 added attribute @category to output of new tiers from template (issue #165)
11.07.2018 1.3.1 the names of the annotations are now sorted alphabetically (issue #160)
28.08.2017 1.3.1 Improvements to EXAKT enhancements (DJ, AF) (issue #121)
12.07.2017 1.3.1 First versions of EXAKT enhancements (DJ, AF): collections (issue #104) and XSLT 2.0 (issue #114)
27.02.2017 1.3 Bug in XSL search: need to set base directory (issue #60)
22.11.2016 1.3 "Add annotation as analysis" for annotations that are not in the common timeline, filthy fix (issue #36)
11.11.2016 1.3 Removed Open DB corpus item from file menu (issue #28)
18.04.2016 1.3 revert to old version of BAS player (MAC)
08.04.2016 1.3 revert to old version of BAS player (Windows)
31.03.2016 1.3 Icon for word list
31.03.2016 1.3 Adapt KWIC row height to font size
31.03.2016 1.3 Start Praat if it is not already running (Jens Lanwer)
31.03.2016 1.3 Better error handling for Praat functionality (Jens Lanwer)
10.11.2015 1.3 first attempt at Praat functionality (Jens Lanwer)
23.06.2014 1.3 catch splash screen transparency error (lubuntu)
28.05.2014 1.3 Apply font preferences to full text area and word list (Tibetan)
17.10.2013 1.3 Superfluous space in communication values makes filtering confusing (Anne-Sophie Ghyselen)
15.10.2013 1.3 Superfluous space in speaker values makes filtering confusing (Anne-Sophie Ghyselen)
14.10.2013 1.3 Bug in add annotation when there is more than one tier for a given category and speaker (Hanna - LLN)
05.10.2013 1.3 UTF-8 mix up in InputHelperPanel
16.01.2013 1.2 Saved wordlist got wrong suffix txt when saving html (Leipzig)
10.01.2013 1.2 Accept fln files for FOLKER wizard
22.11.2012 1.2 Remove analysis function (Darsow, FiSS)
22.11.2012 1.2 Bug in add annotation when analyses are also present
12.03.2012 1.2 Un/select in Browsing mode not working correctly (Antenne Zwergenstaat)
16.02.2012 1.2 Improved handling of locations and languages (Type attribute!) metadata for speakers
16.02.2012 1.2 Refactored local and remote COMA corpus to a common superclass
25.01.2012 1.2 Different color for count label in token list (hardly visible on the MAC)
25.01.2012 1.2 Unselected KWIC rows in gray
18.01.2012 1.2 FOLKER wizard: use 0 as default recording length in COMA communications
18.01.2012 1.2 FOLKER wizard: add warning for segmentation errors
18.01.2012 1.2 FOLKER wizard: make speakerless tiers description tiers to avoid structure errors
21.11.2011 1.2 Annotation search result must be saved/opened differently (Daniel Jettka)
18.10.2011 1.1 KWIC update causes hang when an annotation column is sorted (Hanna)
05.10.2011 1.1 KWIC HTML output must have meta tag specifying UTF-8 encoding (Günes)
08.09.2011 1.1 Further modifications in the catalog lookup dialog
20.08.2011 1.1 Some modifications in the catalog lookup dialog
05.07.2011 1.1 Frequency sort as option for word list output
07.06.2011 1.1 Special characters (apostrophe) in key names cause trouble for metadata handling
30.05.2011 1.1 Null corpus name causes app to hang when closing (GEWISS)
17.05.2011 1.1 Changed annotation search to work with Sextant annotations integrated
09.05.2011 1.1 FOLKER import now does automatic stratification by distribution
23.03.2011 1.1 Catalog functionality for remote and DB corpora
18.03.2011 1.1 First elements of RDB functionality added (Hanna!)
17.01.2011 1.1 escape type strings in input helper
17.01.2011 1.1 Input helper always on top (for filter and for search)


Date Version Change
06.02.2025 1.3.2 Disable switch view while saving in background (issue #509)
06.02.2025 1.3.2 Take care of boundary case in copying: empty timeline (issue #509)
18.12.2024 1.3.2 Make mask table entries sortable (issue #500)
14.08.2024 1.3.2 Assign times action from Partitur (issue #374)
14.06.2024 1.3.2 Context menu including assign speaker action (issue #487)
14.06.2024 1.3.2 Keep sorting of mask table when switching from partitur view to other view (issue #485)
14.06.2024 1.3.2 Save copy of the transcript to avoid performance glitches (issue #484)
09.08.2023 1.3.1 Improvements to HTML output (issue #403 and issue #404)
03.05.2023 1.3 Bugfix (issue #386)
13.03.2023 1.3 Optional pretty print (issue #340)
24.02.2023 1.3 Fix for bug in masking (issue #372)
18.02.2023 1.3 Better handling of masking information in continuing/splitting transcripts (issue #313)
09.02.2023 1.3 Fixed pretty printing problem for word with timestamp inside (issue #340)
15.01.2023 1.3 Amberscript JSON import (issue #358)
15.01.2023 1.3 Whisper JSON import (issue #357)
15.01.2023 1.3 SRT import (issue #119)
15.01.2023 1.3 VTT import (issue #119)
01.12.2022 1.3 Pretty print XML output (issue #340)
05.01.2022 1.3 Improvements to search (issue #171)
09.06.2021 1.3 Bug fix for brown noise generator (issue #269)
22.05.2021 1.3 Possible bug in Save As...
11.03.2021 1.3 Improvements to Insert Pause (issue #263)
22.02.2021 1.3 Sort mask table (issue #260)
15.02.2021 1.3 F4 import (issue #258)
30.11.2020 1.3 Fixed wrong line breaks (issue #226)
23.11.2020 1.3 Import ISO/TEI (issue #222)
29.06.2020 1.3 Keep save thread when exiting from hanging (issue #210)
22.06.2020 1.3 Separate selection of video player preference (issue #209)
02.12.2019 1.3 Experiment: 64 bit / OpenJDK version for MAC with JavaFX player (issue #199)
07.11.2019 1.3 Experiment: Java FX Player for video panel (win) (issue #177)
27.05.2019 1.2.1 Rest of player trouble fixed (issue #189)
14.05.2019 1.2.1 Some player trouble fixed (issue #189)
29.03.2019 1.2.1 Transform action (issue #183)
12.12.2018 1.2.1 Format second occurrence of speaker abb (issue #172)
11.10.2018 1.2.1 Fine tuning of color-coding for SegCor output (issue #162)
31.08.2018 1.2.1 Improvements to the Brown Noise Generator and the masking algorithm: generated brown noise is now smoother and adapts to the volume of the source audio on a per channel basis. (issue #134)
25.06.2018 1.2.1 Fine tuning of ISO/TEI export for ZuMult (issue #152)
01.05.2018 1.2.1 Fine tuning of ISO/TEI export for ZuMult (issue #152)
20.04.2018 1.2.1 Color coded output for SegCor segmentation (issue #149)
20.04.2018 1.2.1 Adapt level 3 parsing for SegCor segmentation (issue #148)
21.11.2017 1.2.1 First attempt at making video panel work for MAC (issue #82)
09.05.2017 1.2 Bug in afterEditCell for FOLKER (issue #87)
12.04.2017 1.2 Make sure frame is inside screen dimensions at startup (issue #72)
10.03.2017 1.2 Ukranian alphabet (issue #63)
02.03.2017 1.2 force player change when running with JRE > 1.6 on MAC (issue #29)
19.12.2016 1.2 Spinner for setting playback rate (issue #53)
28.11.2016 1.2 Bug in TimeStringFormatter (issue #43)
16.11.2016 1.2 Export: Set language for ISO/TEI export (issue #9)
21.04.2016 1.2 Praat export from partitur view messed up the transcript
18.04.2016 1.2 revert to old version of BAS player (MAC)
08.04.2016 1.2 revert to old version of BAS player (Windows)
06.04.2016 1.2 Updated player preferences handling
03.03.2016 1.2 Adapted TEI exports (annotationBlock etc.)
03.02.2016 1.2 Some smaller fixes to the video panel (Mail WS)
28.01.2016 1.2 Enable video resize
02.12.2015 1.2 Some minor corrections to player selection
12.11.2015 1.2 HTML+Audio contribution list output: output audio as url, won't work on Firefox otherwise
10.11.2015 1.2 HTML+Audio contribution list output: nuther bug?
09.11.2015 1.2 HTML+Audio contribution list output: several bugs
06.10.2015 1.2 Build from git: jsmooth path changes for Windows (todo: Mac and Linux)
30.07.2015 1.2 VTT subtitles
21.07.2015 1.2 First attempt at minimalistic video panel
13.05.2015 1.2 Embedded JRE
13.05.2015 1.2 JDS Player
20.04.2015 1.2 TEI conversion: no origin for timeline, no absolute value for first when
20.04.2015 1.2 Bug in XSL stylesheet for TEI conversion (pause with speaker-reference)
13.04.2015 1.2 Default player = BAS Audio Player
12.03.2015 1.2 TCF export
16.01.2015 1.2 Adaptations of TEI export to new version of standard proposal (annotationGrp)
05.01.2015 1.2 Remove empty events ONLY before importing EXB, not in other situations (Jenny)
01.12.2014 1.2 Added jniwrap for 64-bit systems (Hanna, Flo)
01.12.2014 1.2 Remove empty events before importing EXB (Franziska Wallner)
04.08.2014 1.2 empty segments as syntax errors (wiki)
04.08.2014 1.2 remember mask method (wiki)
04.08.2014 1.2 mask button in partitur (wiki)
30.06.2014 1.2 changed loop behaviour when appending (Wilfried)
10.06.2014 1.2 new keyboard shortcut for next segment: CTRL + E
08.05.2014 1.2 new keyboard shortcut for mask segment: CTRL + M
08.05.2014 1.2 new keyboard shortcut for next segment: CTRL + F
08.05.2014 1.2 keyboard shortcuts in tooltips (segment view only)
08.05.2014 1.2 apostrophe in universal alphabet
08.05.2014 1.2 quantification output not correct on parse level 3
08.05.2014 1.2 bug when moving old mask segments
06.05.2014 1.2 default audio path in preferences
20.03.2014 1.2 mask and real name column labels were mixed up
20.03.2014 1.2 audacity export
20.03.2014 1.2 bug in audacity import
10.03.2014 1.2 button for removing mask segments (JW)
06.03.2014 1.2 fixed bug in masking functionality - reading of internal resource failed
26.02.2014 1.2 java bug wrt window translucency, disabled th respective parts of the code
20.02.2014 1.2 improved and debugged audio masking
18.02.2014 1.2 edit entries in mask mode, scroll transcriptions with selection, opacity
29.01.2014 1.2 plain text subtitles with frames, first attempt (Jürgen Immerz)
29.01.2014 1.2 masking key
27.01.2014 1.2 enable logging as advanced preferences option
21.01.2014 1.2 Esc in confirmation after remove segment must abort action (Bug report Magdeburg)
21.01.2014 1.2 commit edit before saving (Bug report Magdeburg)
16.01.2014 1.2 Reworked and extended masking functionality
16.01.2014 1.2 Reactivated user logging
15.01.2014 1.2 SRT Subtitle export (Jürgen Immerz / Reinhold Schmitt)
03.12.2013 1.2 Added Czech and Russian transliteration to alphabets, added one missing character to Italian alphabet (requests after FOLKER training)
06.09.2013 1.2 Audacity import
29.08.2013 1.2 Mask button
20.08.2013 1.2 Restrict input for speaker IDs
20.08.2013 1.2 Buttons for accent (un)marking
15.08.2013 1.2 Added German+Capitals to alphabets (request from Magdeburg)
18.07.2013 1.2 Danish, Spanish and Italian alphabets
10.04.2013 1.2 No whitespace between latching and comment open (WS)
04.02.2013 1.2 Handle multiple row selection in contribution view differently
21.01.2013 1.2 Match list
17.01.2013 1.2 Additional functionality for contribution text pane
06.12.2012 1.2 first attempt at F4 export
04.12.2012 1.2 Comment insertion
04.12.2012 1.2 Alphabet customisation
26.11.2012 1.2 Praat export
31.10.2012 1.2 First Linux Preview
31.10.2012 1.2 First Mac Preview
25.10.2012 1.2 Info about parse-level and player displayed in status bar
25.10.2012 1.2 Info about parse-level when opening FLK
18.09.2012 1.2 Need to commit edit before splitting transcription to avoid null pointer in certain time constellations
11.09.2012 1.2 Minimize function in transcription menu
10.09.2012 1.2 Two more fixes concerning basic output
03.09.2012 1.2 Fixed several details concerning basic output
02.08.2012 1.2 Added *.FLN to the file filter for opening
03.07.2012 1.2 Added BAS Audio Player as a player option
21.06.2012 1.2 allow dangling and leading latching if latching is across speaker change (mail JW)
21.06.2012 1.2 do not add space before uncertain after latching (mail JW)
18.06.2012 1.2 one more correction (latching) for GAT basic transcription output (mail JW)
19.06.2012 1.2 no smaller font size for nv in basic transcription output
19.06.2012 1.2 resolve relative paths with new method (bug on Mac)
18.06.2012 1.2 fixed problem with RegEx matching on the MAC (Basic transcription end symbols)
18.06.2012 1.2 two more corrections (comments, latching) for GAT basic transcription output (mail WS)
13.06.2012 1.2 first corrections for GAT basic transcription output (mail WS)
12.06.2012 1.2 first attempt at GAT basic transcription output
18.05.2012 1.2 Micro pause in virtual keyboard
18.05.2012 1.2 Changed web addresses to fit new AGD website in several places
18.05.2012 1.2 Don't throw out empty contributions when opening transcription
07.05.2012 1.2 Allow glottal stop symbol at level 3
07.05.2012 1.2 Further fixes concerning whitespace in level 3 transcripts
07.05.2012 1.2 Allow auto normalize whitespace in preferences also for level 3
07.05.2012 1.2 Fixed bug in tranformation of breathe add parse level 3: do not add whitespace
19.04.2012 1.2 Fixed bug in tranformation of speakerless contributions: do not add whitespace
28.03.2012 1.2 Allow empty phrase boundaries on parse level 3
19.03.2012 1.2 Modify times action (shift/scale absolute times) in transcription menu
01.02.2012 1.2 Integrated OrthoNormal into installer
25.01.2012 1.2 Auto assign last speaker in append event
24.01.2012 1.2 Relativize audio files with ..
24.01.2012 1.2 Goto next error action in contribution view
06.01.2012 1.2 Goto next error action
05.01.2012 1.2 Fine tuning for level 3 parsing
23.12.2011 1.2 Remove pause speaker assignment (WS: Twiki)
23.12.2011 1.2 Keyboard shortcut Shift + F4 for play next segment (JW: Twiki)
23.12.2011 1.2 EXMARaLDA import: reassign audio if audio cannot be found (WS: Twiki)
16.12.2011 1.2 Bug in EXMARaLDA import: do not override interpolated times
07.12.2011 1.2 Start implementing log functionality (not active yet)
07.12.2011 1.2 Play next segment action
10.10.2011 1.2 compact partitur ouput method
07.10.2011 1.2 HTML5 audio ouput method for contribution list
08.06.2011 1.2 Changing attached start or end time must not lead to a contradictory time structure (more to do...)
31.05.2011 1.2 Updated schema and data model documentation for basic transcript
31.05.2011 1.2 Parsing for level 3 (input and output)
31.05.2011 1.2 Completed level 3 syntax check (comments)
17.05.2011 1.2 Additional buttons for playing parts of/before/after the selection (as in EXMARaLDA)
17.05.2011 1.2 Completed first attempt at level 3 syntax check (no comments yet!)
22.03.2011 1.2 Fixed tiny bugling in internationalisation
19.01.2011 1.2 Modifications to the TEI export


Date Version Change
12.01.2025 1.8.2 DeepL call would not use pro version (issue #507)
01.12.2024 1.8.1 Make whisper import robust against words without timestamps (issue #357)
16.11.2024 1.8.1 Fixed bug in making sure editor does not exit while saving (issue #456)
05.11.2024 1.8.1 MAUS calls must go to https now (issue #496)
23.10.2024 1.8.1 Reformat when opening transcript with hidden tiers (issue #495)
22.10.2024 1.8.1 Allow leading punctuation in double round bracket events (issue #470)
17.06.2024 1.8.1 Language-sensitive sentence span identification (issue #489)
04.06.2024 1.8 Tabulate events action (issue #446)
27.05.2024 1.8 Go from timeline display to partitur (issue #418)
11.05.2024 1.8 VTT import: use voice tags for speaker assignment (issue #119)
06.05.2024 1.8 Faster INEL segmentation (issue #470)
27.04.2024 1.8 Copy/paste structure actions (issue #471)
23.04.2024 1.8 Check for format table also when opening via double-click or recent files (issue #398)
21.04.2024 1.8 Event-based segmentation for INEL (issue #470)
19.04.2024 1.8 Remember selection after switching audio (issue #469)
19.04.2024 1.8 Bulk move event left/right (issue #467)
18.04.2024 1.8 Partiture corrupted in some cases of Whisper ASR (issue #421)
18.04.2024 1.8 Status feedback for actions (issue #466)
18.04.2024 1.8 Post-processing whisper output: remove random puncutation (issue #421)
17.04.2024 1.8 Fixed focus issue for some dialogs (issue #462)
16.04.2024 1.8 Make sure editor does not exit while saving (issue #456)
16.04.2024 1.8 More promintent marker for editing cell (issue #458)
01.12.2023 1.8 Timeline tolerance configurable (issue #442)
01.12.2023 1.8 Remember parameters for WebMAUS (issue #441)
16.11.2023 1.8 Additional option for WebMAUS (issue #432)
16.11.2023 1.8 Dependencies for SVG panel (issue #438)
28.10.2023 1.8 Improvements to Whisper import (issue #357)
26.10.2023 1.8 Rearrange transcription controls (#433)
26.10.2023 1.8 Whisper webservice integration (#421)
04.09.2023 1.8 Bug in TablePopupMenu: Move to tier does not appear (#176)
17.07.2023 1.7 Dulko fixes and improvements (issue #405, #407 and #409)
13.07.2023 1.7 Maintenance changes for Praat panel (issue #401)
12.06.2023 1.7 RegEx in Search & Replace (issue #399)
01.06.2023 1.7 Save Format should be default (issue #398)
01.06.2023 1.7 Fixed formatting issues (issue #397)
01.06.2023 1.7 Changes to auto save check on startup (issue #396)
25.05.2023 1.7 Delete several events in one go (issue #389)
12.05.2023 1.7 HTML output: make audio selection case-insensitive (issue #387)
07.05.2023 1.7 Check and error message for search results turned sour (issue #12)
06.05.2023 1.7 Beautification of recording list cell renderer
06.05.2023 1.7 Perfected list events table (issue #382)
02.05.2023 1.7 Import Whisper word level (issue #357)
23.04.2023 1.7 Improve start folder selection for Add recording (issue #384)
23.04.2023 1.7 List events in table rather than list (issue #382)
24.03.2023 1.7 Fixed bug in RTF output (issue #379)
13.03.2023 1.7 Optional pretty print (issue #340)
07.03.2023 1.7 Consider intermediate timeline items when changing boundaries of spanned events (issue #377)
06.03.2023 1.7 Fix for bug in CSV export (issue #376)
06.03.2023 1.7 Fix for bug and performance improvement in ISO/TEI import (issue #367)
24.02.2023 1.7 Fix for bug in masking (issue #372)
14.02.2023 1.7 Improved ISO/TEI (re-)import (issue #367)
09.02.2023 1.7 Improved WebMAUS fine alignement (issue #139)
09.02.2023 1.7 Moved all legacy functions/menu into Legacy menu (issue #366)
07.02.2023 1.7 Adobe Premiere CSV import (issue #363)
04.02.2023 1.7 Make sure IPA panel and virtual keyboard stay within screen boundaries (issue #72)
24.01.2023 1.7 Fixed two typos in the STTS annotation spec (issue #360)
23.01.2023 1.7 Shortcut for media setup when media file does not exist
15.01.2023 1.7 Amberscript JSON import (issue #358)
15.01.2023 1.7 Whisper JSON import (issue #357)
15.01.2023 1.7 Reworked SRT import (issue #119)
15.01.2023 1.7 Reworked VTT import (issue #119)
03.01.2023 1.7 Annotation panel: refined jump next behaviour (issue #356)
02.12.2022 1.7 G2P grapheme to phoneme conversion via BAS web service (issue #325)
02.12.2022 1.7 Bug: remove format when removing tier (issue #352)
01.12.2022 1.7 Pretty print XML output (issue #340)
30.11.2022 1.7 CalculateTimeAction: max length increased from 32 to 150 (issue #351)
18.11.2022 1.7 Copy HTML action (issue #338)
06.02.2022 1.7 List events action (issue #316)
17.01.2022 1.7 Removed Quick Open Media functionality (issue #314)
10.01.2022 1.7 Option for generic segmented ISO/TEI export (issue #312)
10.01.2022 1.7 Bug fix for generic segmentation export (issue #308)
04.01.2022 1.7 Merge more than one transcription (issue #95)
04.01.2022 1.7 Direct FLN export (issue #108)
03.01.2022 1.7 WebMaus Fine alignment (issue #139)
15.12.2021 1.7 DeepL translation web service (issue #297)
27.11.2021 1.7 Frazier ADC import (issue #296)
26.11.2021 1.7 Tier -- Types action (issue #295)
04.11.2021 1.7 Refined upper/lower case action (issue #274)
04.11.2021 1.7 Renamed CLARIN menu to "Web Services" (issue #285)
17.09.2021 1.7 Bug fix: Masker (issue #280)
08.07.2021 1.7 Lower/upper case action (issue #274)
09.06.2021 1.7 Bug fix for brown noise generator (issue #269)
09.06.2021 1.7 Bug fix WAV header with markers (issue #268)
29.03.2021 1.7 Bug fix for INEL export (issue #265)
15.03.2021 1.7 Improvements to GAT List transformation (issue #264)
11.03.2021 1.7 Improvements to Insert Pause (issue #263)
10.03.2021 1.7 Improvements to WebLicht connection (issue #262)
15.02.2021 1.7 F4 import + change for F4 export (issue #258)
12.02.2021 1.7 File -- Restore from auto backup (issue #221)
12.02.2021 1.7 Check need for cleanup of auto backups (issue #221)
04.01.2021 1.7 Bug, see Ticket#2021010400000041 (issue #233)
09.12.2020 1.7 Transformation dropdown in toolbar (issue #230)
09.12.2020 1.7 Handle (terminal) messages in transformations (issue #233)
08.12.2020 1.7 Fixed white space bug for Java FX Player (issue #250)
08.12.2020 1.7 Further options for the TreeTagger (issue #228)
07.12.2020 1.7 Enforce font for emojis (issue #234)
04.12.2020 1.7 Initialise DULKO TreeTagger according to EXMARaLDA preferences (issue #228)
03.12.2020 1.7 Internal annotation specifications for annotation panel (issue #242)
02.12.2020 1.7 First versions of Emoji virtual keyboards for Windows and Mac (issue #234)
02.12.2020 1.7 Tree Tagger Parameters in Partitur Editor preferences (issue #228)
01.12.2020 1.7 First steps towards Dulko integration (issues #227, #228, #230, #231, #232, #236)
30.11.2020 1.7 Flextext-Import INEL Menü (issue #224)
23.11.2020 1.7 Import ISO/TEI (issue #215)
20.11.2020 1.7 Beautified error message dialog for media (issue #220)
20.11.2020 1.7 Added MP4 as recommended file type (issue #219)
11.09.2020 1.7 Function Transcription > Add token tiers... (issue #107)
02.12.2019 1.6.2 Experiment: 64 bit / OpenJDK version for MAC with JavaFX player (issue #199)
29.11.2019 1.6.2 Detect encoding for TRS import (issue #200)
07.11.2019 1.6.2 Experiment: Java FX Player (win) (issue #177)
03.05.2019 1.6.1 Tier context menu wouldn't appear on last tier (issue #187)
19.02.2019 1.6.1 New version of Flextext Converter (issue #180)
11.01.2019 1.6.1 Move to tier for more than one event (issue #176)
11.01.2019 1.6.1 Remodeled edit tiers dialog (issue #137)
19.10.2018 1.6.1 No reinterpolation in mask time creator (issue #167)
24.09.2018 1.6.1 Added n-dash as delimiter for GAT segmentation (issue #164)
31.08.2018 1.6.1 Improvements to the Brown Noise Generator and the masking algorithm: generated brown noise is now smoother and adapts to the volume of the source audio on a per channel basis. (issue #134)
11.07.2018 1.6.1 Some smaller changes to the HIAT-ISO-TEI export (issue #152)
10.07.2018 1.6.1 bracket adjustment in GAT outputs was gone (issue #159)
05.07.2018 1.6.1 encoding selection panel for TSV's (issue #158)
25.06.2018 1.6.1 Log entry for player type (issue #156)
25.06.2018 1.6.1 Fine tuning of ISO/TEI export for ZuMult (issue #152)
01.05.2018 1.6.1 Fine tuning of ISO/TEI export for ZuMult
16.04.2018 1.6.1 Bug fix in sorting / Stratify after Audacity import (issue #145)
12.04.2018 1.6.1 TSV converter for INEL (issue #144)
23.01.2018 1.6.1 more new languages for WebMaus (issue #141)
23.01.2018 1.6.1 new languages for WebMaus (issue #141)
08.01.2018 1.6.1 system ID on stylesheet sources (issue #138 - nolda)
15.12.2017 1.6.1 Threading issues in JDS and BAS player (issue #112)
22.11.2017 1.6.1 Added pipe symbol to GAT keyboard (issue #132)
22.11.2017 1.6.1 Changed preferred size for bottom panel in multimodal panel (issue #131)
22.11.2017 1.6.1 Another change to the DMG keyboard for Arabic (issue #129)
21.11.2017 1.6.1 A few changes to the DMG keyboard for Arabic (issue #129)
20.11.2017 1.6.1 First version of DMG keyboard for Arabic (issue #129)
17.11.2017 1.6.1 First version of VTT import (issue #119)
17.11.2017 1.6.1 After insert pause: request focus for editing cell (issue #122)
22.09.2017 1.6.1 Flextext import improvements (issue #123)
22.08.2017 1.6.1 Split long event action (issue #120)
06.07.2017 1.6.1 Restore hidden tiers after undo (issue #110)
06.07.2017 1.6.1 Referenced file not properly resolved after import of EXS (issue #111)
30.06.2017 1.6.1 offer existing categories in add tier dialog (issue #109)
30.06.2017 1.6.1 handle multiple selection in languages dialog (issue #106)
14.06.2017 1.6.1 Auto save copy of transcription rather than the instance used by the PE (issue #102)
14.06.2017 1.6.1 Changed error message for a certain type of CHAT import error (issue #99)
05.06.2017 1.6.1 JDS Player would behave sillily in playback mode (issue #98)
05.06.2017 1.6.1 Count segments: Save as... needs HTML File Filter (issue #97)
31.05.2017 1.6.1 WebMAUS: check for stratification (issue #91)
31.05.2017 1.6.1 WebLicht: determine language from chain (issue #88)
24.05.2017 1.6.1 Avoid double split for zero or margin selections (issue #93)
23.05.2017 1.6.1 D-tiers in HIAT TEI export (issue #89)
08.05.2017 1.6 SRT export (issue #85)
25.04.2017 1.6 Some smaller fixes for the MAC (issues #77 and #78)
24.04.2017 1.6 Metadata for TCF must be empty (issue #64)
24.04.2017 1.6 CocoaQT Player: duration is available only after visual component has been initialised (issue #73)
31.03.2017 1.6 Reanmimated ID normalization in cleanup dialog (issue #67)
14.03.2017 1.6 TCF export now with CMDI 1.2 (issue #58)
14.03.2017 1.6 Annotation search would still fail when exs is pretty printed (issue #56)
08.03.2017 1.6 TCF export would fail because of left-over debug line (issue #58)
20.02.2017 1.6 TCF export needs handle PID for Partitur-Editor (issue #58)
20.02.2017 1.6 TCF export with generic segmentation would swallow words (issue #57)
06.02.2017 1.6 Annotation search would fail when exs is pretty printed (issue #56)
06.02.2017 1.6 Improvements to the alignment panel (issue #55)
05.01.2017 1.6 Make GAT output robust against timepoints not in the common timeline (should be rare...)
04.01.2017 1.6 Tiny bugling in Partitur when called from EXAKT: don't update null SVG panel
19.12.2016 1.6 Choose segmentation for TCF export (issue #38)
13.12.2016 1.6 Bug in ELAN import fixed (issue #52)
13.12.2016 1.6 One lil' fix to avoid a null pointer with the JMF player
08.12.2016 1.6 Video image on the MAC would always be square and could not resize. Fixed that (issue #29)
30.11.2016 1.6 Bug in multimodal panel: have to remove listeners after editing (issue #27)
28.11.2016 1.6 WebLicht action needed to be updated to final ISO spec (issue #41)
28.11.2016 1.6 Bug in WebMaus selection when last event spanned over more than one TLI (issue #42)
28.11.2016 1.6 Added four buttons, changed one button in multimodal panel (issue #27)
28.11.2016 1.6 Bug in TimeStringFormatter (issue #43)
24.11.2016 1.6 WebMaus action: check for WAV file (issue #40)
22.11.2016 1.6 QuickMediaOpenDialog: deselect in view menu when closed (issue #39)
22.11.2016 1.6 Multimodal panel now functioning? (issue #27)
21.11.2016 1.6 Started to make multimodal panel functional (issue #27)
18.11.2016 1.6 Reenabled MMF player, next attempt at making it work (issue #12)
16.11.2016 1.6 Export: Set language for ISO/TEI export (issue #9)
15.11.2016 1.6 Export: ISO/TEI export for event=token segmentation (issue #7)
15.11.2016 1.6 Fixed bug in Generic ISO/TEI export: first anchor of segment chains was omitted (issue #31)
10.11.2016 1.6 Import: Reimport segmented transcription with token layer (from MoDiKo, for Hanna, issue #6)
10.11.2016 1.6 Output: HTML partitur + SVG (MoDiKo)
10.11.2016 1.6 SVG Panel: send xpointer to partitur (MoDiKo)
09.11.2016 1.6 SVG Panel: multiple highlights, highlight color chooser (MoDiKo)
04.11.2016 1.6 Disabled all non-ISO-methods in TEI export
04.11.2016 1.6 Throw error message when no wav audio is assigned in Output-GAT+HTML5-Audio
02.11.2016 1.6 Started integration of SVG panel (MoDiKo)
24.06.2016 1.6 NV tier, one change for Transana import (Mum-Multi)
24.06.2016 1.6 Move down left / Move down right actions (Mum-Multi)
17.06.2016 1.6 Auto add tiers option for speakertable
20.05.2016 1.6 Recommended media files filter
09.05.2016 1.6 Changes to Transcriber import (SegCor)
09.05.2016 1.6 Changes to TCF import and Calculate Annotated Time (Tommi)
03.05.2016 1.6 Robustness improvements to Transana import (MuM-Multi)
18.04.2016 1.6 revert to old version of BAS player (MAC)
18.04.2016 1.6 Added pipe symbol for GAT segmentation
08.04.2016 1.6 revert to old version of BAS player (Windows)
31.03.2016 1.6 GAT HTML5 output (Jens Lanwer)
29.03.2016 1.6 First version of Transana import (MuM-Multi)
03.03.2016 1.6 Adapted TEI exports (annotationBlock etc.)
05.02.2016 1.6 Added timestamp update for auto save (no new file created otherwise)
28.01.2016 1.6 Enable video resize
28.01.2016 1.6 Dramatic restructuring/simplification of the audio/video panel
22.01.2016 1.6 (JMF) Resize video to maximum 480px width when opening
21.01.2016 1.6 Keyboard shortcuts for add event dialog
30.11.2015 1.6 Change playback rate with JDSPlayer or CocoaQTPlayer
30.11.2015 1.6 Auto annotate tier: need to update tier format table
20.11.2015 1.6 First attempt at File > New from silence detection
18.11.2015 1.6 Added pipe symbol for GAT segmentation (Lanwer)
12.11.2015 1.6 First attempt at premium GAT output (Lanwer)
12.11.2015 1.6 Removed cleanup on close for CocoaQTPlayer
03.08.2015 1.6 More detailed error message when WebLicht fails on the server
31.07.2015 1.6 Splash screen for 1.6
28.07.2015 1.6 Reset option for preferences
26.07.2015 1.6 Choice of segmentation for WebLicht function
24.07.2015 1.6 Choice of language for TCF export
24.07.2015 1.6 Choice of language for WebLicht function
21.07.2015 1.6 Minimum size for tier selection after add event increased
10.07.2015 1.6 Forgot the player libs in bundled JRE8...
24.06.2015 1.6 Minor beautifications for media references dialog
03.06.2015 1.6 Resize video to maximum 480px width when opening
02.06.2015 1.6 MMF player for Windows (first attempt, not working yet)
27.05.2015 1.6 Hide controls panel in media panel
27.05.2015 1.6 Goodbye ELAN DS Player on Windows
27.05.2015 1.6 CocoaQT player for Mac may be functional now
18.05.2015 1.6 CocoaQT player for Mac
13.05.2015 1.6 Beautified player preferences dialog
11.05.2015 1.5.3 ELAN-Quicktime-Player available for Windows
11.05.2015 1.5.3 Changes in ELAN-Quicktime-Player (PeriodicUpdateController)
11.05.2015 1.5.3 JDS-Player functional for Windows (is default player now)
20.04.2015 1.5.3 WebLicht call: statelessness attempt
20.04.2015 1.5.3 TCF conversion: changed element source to textSource as spec-required
20.04.2015 1.5.3 TEI conversion: no origin for timeline, no absolute value for first when
09.04.2015 1.5.3 Easy alignment: start first playback from cursor position (Caro)
16.03.2015 1.5.3 Null pointer bug in Alignment Panel
12.03.2015 1.5.3 Tier names must be escaped in conversion info of segmented transcriptions (Espinat)
12.03.2015 1.5.3 Tiny bugling in TEI/ISO/HIAT export: pc in unclear (Hanna)
15.01.2015 1.5.3 Adaptations of TEI export to new version of standard proposal (annotationGrp)
08.12.2014 1.5.3 Some minor changes to WebLicht (CLARIN menu)
04.12.2014 1.5.3 WebLicht (CLARIN menu) completed preliminarily
03.12.2014 1.5.3 first attempt at WebLicht integration (CLARIN menu)
01.12.2014 1.5.3 Added jniwrap for 64-bit systems (Hanna, Flo)
01.12.2014 1.5.3 Remove empty events before exporting FLK (Franziska Wallner)
24.10.2014 1.5.3 First attempt at Qucik Media Open Dialog (Steinchen)
13.10.2014 1.5.3 First attempt at TCF converter
06.10.2014 1.5.3 WebMAUS (CLARIN menu) completed preliminarily
04.09.2014 1.5.3 hide tiers button in edit tiers dialog (Torben Schinke)
14.08.2014 1.5.3 some more WebMAUS (CLARIN menu)
08.08.2014 1.5.3 first attempt at WebMAUS integration (CLARIN menu)
04.08.2014 1.5.3 bug in ELAN import when 0.0 was in several timepoints (Wrobel)
25.06.2014 1.5.3 bug in tier check for new tiers, speaker ID was wrong (Butterworth)
23.06.2014 1.5.3 further steps of ISO/TEI export
23.06.2014 1.5.3 catch splash screen transparency error (lubuntu)
10.06.2014 1.5.3 start tier count in "Add event" at 1 rather than 0
05.06.2014 1.5.3 first steps of ISO/TEI export
26.05.2014 1.5.3 bug in F4 export: url of referenced file must be xml escaped (Oppermann)
06.03.2014 1.5.3 fixed bug in masking functionality - reading of internal resource failed
20.02.2014 1.5.3 Mask audio functionality
13.02.2014 1.5.3 Mildly intelligent handling of tier names in Praat export/import (Hanna, LLN)
20.12.2013 1.5.3 Auto-Interpolate after splitting an option in preferences (Antenne Zwergenstaat)
13.12.2013 1.5.3 Customisation of New HIAT TEI export: normalisation, word IDs optional (Sarah Cadorel)
13.12.2013 1.5.3 Remove times action (Oliver Ehmer)
27.11.2013 1.5.3 Change for auto annotate: can annotate multi-interval events when match is complete (Hanna, LLN)
13.11.2013 1.5.3 Some fixes for auto annotate (Hanna, LLN)
12.11.2013 1.5.3 First attempt at auto annotate (Hanna, LLN)
16.10.2013 1.5.3 First attempt at integration Merge transcriptions action (Hanna, LLN)
08.10.2013 1.5.3 On Windows: Problem with focus management after virtual keyboard insertion (Juliane Gall)
29.08.2013 1.5.2 Do not minimize file selection in media panel
12.08.2013 1.5.2 Corrections to the Chinese internationalization
22.07.2013 1.5.2 Additions to the Chinese internationalization
17.07.2013 1.5.2 Some corrections and additions wrt internationalization
04.07.2013 1.5.2 Chinese menu translations (Fan Junjun)
10.06.2013 1.5.2 HTML5 export with video
15.04.2013 1.5.2 Audacity import: accept comma as decimal separator (Tara)
10.04.2013 1.5.2 Removed ugly auto jump icon from annotation panel
10.04.2013 1.5.2 Removed segmented transcription from "File > Export" (only in Transcription menu now)
22.02.2013 1.5.2 Import Audacity label file (Tara)
04.02.2013 1.5.2 Enormous usability enhancments to Goto dialog (Steinchen)
03.01.2013 1.5.2 Easy alignment action
20.12.2012 1.5.2 Change to XSL for WinPitch import to make it work for C-ORAL-ROM BRASIL
06.12.2012 1.5.2 first attempt at F4 export
09.10.2012 1.5.2 Spanish punctuation for generic segmentation
12.09.2012 1.5.2 Structure warnings in dialog for adding new tiers
12.09.2012 1.5.2 Shortcut and other usability improvements for timeline interpolation
04.09.2012 1.5.2 Made append spaces in TreeTagger import optional (Hirschmann)
31.08.2012 1.5.2 Auto save was not activated when opening a file via double click
16.08.2012 1.5.2 Tier format table was not always saved when present
18.06.2012 1.5.2 Added bug fix by Torben Schinke (Oldenburg) for problem with virtual keyboard insert on the MAC
12.06.2012 1.5.2 Do not add nbsps to tier labels in HTML partitur output because it causes trouble with akz tiers in HIAT (Kleinschmidt)
30.05.2012 1.5.2 Always write a referenced file even if there is none
16.03.2012 1.5.2 New method(s) for manipulating absolute times: shift and scale (Lepizig, Immerz)
05.03.2012 1.5.2 Enabled button to parameterise word boundary characters in partitur output (Konzett)
30.01.2012 1.5.2 Simple text output
30.01.2012 1.5.2 Czech localisations updated by Petr Porizka
26.01.2012 1.5.2 Tree tagger output (Trevisan)
19.01.2012 1.5.2 cGAT Minimal segmentation: allow breathe symbol inside non-pho
19.01.2012 1.5.2 import filter for Rio de Janeiro style text transcriptions (Maria Paiva)
18.01.2012 1.5.2 cGAT Minimal segmentation: bug in FSM for two h state
18.01.2012 1.5.2 cGAT Minimal segmentation: allow slash as separator for alternatives
10.01.2012 1.5.2 Fixed bug which causes GAT output to fail for tiers without speakers (Concha Hoefler)
01.12.2011 1.5.2 iConc virtual keyboard (Ralph Morton)
17.11.2011 1.5.2 Allow font size 1 for tier format (Yael)
11.10.2011 1.5.1 Info panel for display of preferred segmentation and player type
11.10.2011 1.5.1 Write URL instead of system-dependent path for absolute paths in referenced-files (Gewiss)
22.09.2011 1.5.1 Disable undo action while undo is in progress
22.09.2011 1.5.1 Disabled normalization in cleanup - suspected to cause a bug with large files
12.09.2011 1.5.1 Bug in RTF output: escape transcription name (Shinichi)
29.08.2011 1.5.1 HTML5 output methods (list and partitur)
20.08.2011 1.5.1 Changed check while opening: remove bad events, don't complain about them (reason for the bug still not discovered)
08.08.2011 1.5.1 First attempt at Phon importer
06.07.2011 1.5.1 Clicking on segmentation label in transcription menu opens segmentation preferences
06.07.2011 1.5.1 Check once for default player
24.06.2011 1.5.1 Fixed two bugs in cGAT FSM (Ralph Morton)
17.06.2011 1.5.1 Transcriber import: remove DTD reference before transforming (Hambuch)
08.06.2011 1.5.1 Bug in event-based CHAT export (C. Konzett)
30.05.2011 1.5.1 Treat https like http in filename relativization (Ott)
18.05.2011 1.5.1 Added BAS Audio Player as option for players
11.05.2011 1.5.1 Moved Error list from Transcription to File menu
09.05.2011 1.5.1 Added CHAT_MINIMAL segmentation (ur: E11)
27.04.2011 1.5.1 cGAT segmentation is now FSM based (ur: GEWISS)
08.04.2011 1.5.1 Fixed bug introduced with last bug fix...
06.04.2011 1.5.1 Keep anchors for Left/Right part to new caused bug in Undo - removed that bug
04.04.2011 1.5.1 Added HIAT symbols to Russian Transliteration keyboard (ur: Astrid Porila)
04.04.2011 1.5.1 Added webm file suffixes to media file filter
22.03.2011 1.5.1 Added ELAN JDS Player as option for players
21.03.2011 1.5.1 Virtual keyboard for Russian transliteration (ur: Astrid Porila)
09.03.2011 1.5.1 Keep anchors for Left/Right part to new
07.03.2011 1.5.1 Fixed a minor bug in Modena TEI export related to speakerless events
02.03.2011 1.5.1 Enter and Escape work in tier selection dialog after add event
02.03.2011 1.5.1 Keyboard shortcuts for add event (Ctrl +) and append interval (Alt +)
03.02.2011 1.5.1 Added equidistant option to New from timeline...
19.01.2011 1.5.1 Lots of changes to transformation XSL in the tei package
17.01.2011 1.5.1 Added remove tier to table popup menu
17.01.2011 1.5.1 Added remove event to event popup menu
17.01.2011 1.5.1 Make sure that the annotation panel does not escape from the screen when screen size changes
17.01.2011 1.5.1 Some changes to the stratify tier dialog
17.01.2011 1.5.1 Fixed bug in transcriber import: need to process <Comment> elements (Therese Leinonen)
11.01.2011 1.5.1 Need to check stratification when opeing a transcription in the main method
10.01.2011 1.5.1 Search results need to be cleared when new transcription is loaded
05.01.2011 1.5.1 Some usability improvements for the error list dialog


Date Version Change
09.11.2024 1.0.2 Update OrthoNormal normalisation lexicon to FOLK 2.22 (issue #74)
14.06.2024 1.0.2 Speed up processing after "Edit contribution" (issue #483)
26.04.2024 1.0.1 Tolerate missing audio (issue #472)
18.04.2024 1.8 Reinsert IDs everywhere after "Edit contribution" (issue #322)
19.07.2023 1.0 Update OrthoNormal normalisation lexicon to FOLK 2.20 (issue #74)
13.03.2023 1.0 Optional pretty print (issue #340)
08.03.2023 1.0 Fixed another problem related to pretty printing of words with internal time anchors (issue #340)
01.03.2023 1.0 Fixed problem related to pretty printing of words with internal time anchors (issue #340)
26.01.2023 1.0 Fix/workaround for TreeTagger problem (issue #286)
01.12.2022 1.0 Pretty print XML output (issue #340)
01.09.2022 0.9.9 Update OrthoNormal normalisation lexicon to FOLK 2.18 (issue #74)
16.06.2022 0.9.9 Duplicate ID bug (issue #322)
17.06.2021 0.9.9 Bug fix for normalisation candidates in basic transcriptions (issue #271)
09.06.2021 0.9.9 Bug fix for auto normalisation (issue #270)
02.06.2021 0.9.9 Update OrthoNormal normalisation lexicon to FOLK 2.16 (issue #74)
25.02.2021 0.9.9 Play selection button in word normalisation dialog (issue #261)
23.11.2020 0.9.9 Import ISO/TEI (issue #222)
06.05.2020 0.9.9 Update OrthoNormal normalisation lexicon to FOLK 2.14 (issue #74)
28.05.2019 0.9.1 Update OrthoNormal normalisation lexicon to FOLK 2.12 (issue #74)
27.05.2019 0.9.1 Open file on double click on MAC (issue #184)
27.05.2019 0.9.1 Player trouble fixed (issue #189)
19.02.2019 0.9.1 Additional counting column (issue #179)
24.08.2018 0.9.1 Asterisk as possible phrase boundary (issue #162)
29.06.2018 0.9.1 Flag for token/probability in tagging (issue #157)
25.06.2018 0.9.1 Fine tuning of ISO/TEI export for ZuMult (issue #152)
30.05.2018 0.9.1 Update normalisation lexicon (issue #74)
30.05.2018 0.9.1 Configurable Quick Buttons for POS (issue #154)
30.05.2018 0.9.1 Function for applying rules (issue #153)
26.02.2018 0.9.1 function for importing TGDP data (issue #143)
17.01.2018 0.9.1 function for changing speaker IDs (issue #140)
15.12.2017 0.9.1 Button for correcting transcribed form in normalisation dialog (issue #135)
24.04.2017 0.9 Update normalisation lexicon (issue #74)
12.04.2017 0.9 Make sure frame is inside screen dimensions at startup (issue #72)
02.03.2017 0.9 force player change when running with JRE > 1.6 on MAC (issue #29)
01.03.2017 0.9 normalize whitespace in normalized forms (issue #62)
14.12.2016 0.9 Missing bounce.jar in library path on MAC (issue #29)
16.11.2016 0.9 TreeTaggerAction in new Annotation menu (issue #33)
16.11.2016 0.9 Export: Set language for ISO/TEI export (issue #9)
18.04.2016 0.9 revert to old version of BAS player (MAC)
08.04.2016 0.9 revert to old version of BAS player (Windows)
06.04.2016 0.9 Updated player preferences handling
30.03.2016 0.9 TEI and TCF exports must retain IDs (methods generateWordIDs())
30.03.2016 0.9 Wrong file filter for TCF export (txt instead of xml)
03.03.2016 0.9 Adapted TEI exports (annotationBlock etc.)
22.02.2016 0.9 Changes to output variant with normalisations only
29.01.2016 0.9 Output variant with normalisations only
07.12.2015 0.9 Table view in match list
30.11.2015 0.9 Improvements to directory search
25.11.2015 0.9 Directory search
18.11.2015 0.9 Disabled $ dummy symbol since it is no longer used in the conventions
06.10.2015 0.9 Build from git: jsmooth path changes for Windows (todo: Mac and Linux)
10.08.2015 0.9 Deadlock in lexicon setup
31.07.2015 0.9 Let's be version 0.9 now, splashscreen changed
25.07.2015 0.6 More functionality for chat corpus
24.07.2015 0.6 First functionality for chat corpus
23.07.2015 0.6 Adaptations to lexicon handling in preferences
13.05.2015 0.6 Embedded JRE
14.04.2015 0.6 Must escape XML for edit word dialog
13.04.2015 0.6 Always use BAS Audio Player
12.03.2015 0.6 TCF export
12.03.2015 0.6 ISO/TEI export
12.03.2015 0.6 Export menu
03.03.2015 0.6 Internal Normalisation and Capital-Only Lexicon
01.12.2014 0.6 Remove problematic time values before editing contribution (Franziska Wallner)
03.09.2014 0.6 enable bulk changes via wordlist
12.08.2014 0.6 player must be set to idle when stopped
04.08.2014 0.6 enable play buttons in edit contribution dialog (Wiki)
04.08.2014 0.6 OOV filter button (Wiki)
16.07.2014 0.6 auto complete for tag text field (Swantje)
12.05.2014 1.2 default audio path
10.03.2014 0.6 dummy button in normalization dialog commits edit directly (JW)
26.02.2014 0.6 modified tagset / tag buttons (SW)
18.02.2014 0.6 enable XML mode by password
18.02.2014 0.6 display normalisation ratio
18.02.2014 0.6 filter for split words
29.01.2014 0.6 Catch IllegalArgumentException when resolving media path
28.01.2014 0.6 Remove redundant time elements from DGD2 (Jenny)
21.01.2014 0.6 (Rare) bug in assigning contribution for editing removed (Tabea Mergel)
25.11.2013 0.6 more space for edit panel for looong contributions (F.Wallner, GeWiss)
06.11.2013 0.6 new quick tag buttons (SW)
06.11.2013 0.6 retag after edit contribution (SW)
16.10.2013 0.6 filtering for POS
26.08.2013 0.6 fixed (?) another bug in recording path resolving
23.07.2013 0.6 better renormalisation after edit contribution
18.07.2013 0.6 focus for textfield after dummy button
18.07.2013 0.6 some minor corrections to match list functionality
09.07.2013 0.6 match list
08.05.2013 0.6 dummy buttons
18.04.2013 0.6 Change speaker functionality
18.04.2013 0.6 Edit contribution functionality
19.02.2013 0.6 No Derewo marking when opening FLK files
07.01.2013 0.6 No Derewo marking when opening FLK files
19.12.2012 0.6 Use Derewo to mark suspicious forms
22.11.2012 0.6 Filter for word list
20.11.2012 0.6 Bookmarks
06.11.2012 1.2 index update issue in XML mode
31.10.2012 0.6 First Linux Preview
31.10.2012 0.6 First Mac Preview
25.10.2012 0.6 Info about parse-level when opening FLK
02.10.2012 0.6 XML mode
21.09.2012 0.6 word correction dialog
12.09.2012 0.6 buttons for quick tagging
12.09.2012 0.6 Some adaptations for legacy DGD1 transcripts
12.09.2012 0.6 Remove normalisations which are identical to forms when opening
06.06.2012 0.6 Include Linux-Shellscript in preview distribution (Piotr Banski)
06.06.2012 0.6 Tolerate missing p-pos in table
30.05.2012 0.6 RDB Lexicon Update action
30.05.2012 0.6 Removed Auto Normalize button
09.05.2012 0.6 More keyboard support (down key) for forms list in normalization dialog
09.05.2012 0.6 No live lexicon update / no single auto normalize for RDB lexicon
26.04.2012 0.6 Tag probabilities
21.03.2012 0.6 Auto advance option
28.03.2012 0.6 File extension checks for opening must not be case-sensitive
21.03.2012 0.6 Auto normalization option for new files
20.03.2012 0.6 Capitalization lexicon integrated
09.03.2012 0.6 Tagging functionality
01.06.2011 0.5 Adaptations for basic transcriptions
01.06.2011 0.5 Cancel in check save must cancel, not close
01.06.2011 0.5 Player displays complete recording, selection only changes cursor position
20.05.2011 0.5 Extra second before and after selection in audio player (WS: oc)
20.05.2011 0.5 Ctrl + Right click on word will remove normalization (WS: mail 19-05-2011)
20.05.2011 0.5 Right click on word will (de)capitalize it (WS: mail 19-05-2011)
20.05.2011 0.5 Edit recording action in file menu (WS: mail 19-05-2011)


Date Version Change
05.11.2024 2.0.4 COMA count would not see INEL segmentation (issue #497)
27.05.2024 2.0.3 Replace after type collection (issue #475)
26.04.2024 2.0.3 Type collection (issue #475)
21.04.2024 2.0.3 Event-based segmentation for INEL (issue #470)
26.01.2023 2.0 Fix/workaround for TreeTagger problem (issue #286)
01.12.2022 2.0 Pretty print XML output (issue #340)
19.11.2022 2.0 Confirm exit (issue #332)
22.11.2017 2.0.1 POS tagger would quit with null pointer because of tokens in tiers without speakers (issue #130)
03.04.2017 1.9 Switched CHAT/GAT in dropdown menu, now all right (issue #69)
23.03.2017 1.9 Set segmented=true for newly generated EXS (issue #66)
26.07.2015 1.9 cGAT Minimal as tagging option (MoDiKo)
26.07.2015 1.9.xxxx Custom FSMs for segmentation functionality (MoDiKo)
26.07.2015 1.9.xxxx Beautified segmentation dialogs
24.06.2015 1.9 Generic as tagging option
02.07.2014 2.0.0000 new entry (commons-io) in class path for COMA on MAC
10.09.2013 2.0.0000 repaired mac build.
04.09.2013 1.9.1467 splash-auto-timeout
21.08.2013 1.9.1460 better handling of recordings vs. media-files
21.08.2013 1.9.1448 error when comms or spks get filtered due to edits (DS)
20.08.2013 1.9.1448 changes on how filters and search-terms are handled
20.08.2013 1.9.1448 Adding unsupported media files will not crash coma anymore
20.08.2013 1.9.1448 changed handling of recording-names (Hanna)
20.08.2013 1.9.1448 Editing attributes in the second comm-column fixed
20.08.2013 1.9.1448 Segmenting from within coma now adds the segmented transcriptions to the metadata
20.08.2013 1.9.1448 Error in path handling fixed for corpus statistics
26.03.2013 1.9.1404 possibility to hide description keys (requires schema change!)
25.03.2013 1.9.1400 ui changes, updated language file
22.03.2013 1.9.1394 auto-browse output html
22.03.2013 1.9.1394 read-only keys are not to be harmonized (Hanna)
04.03.2013 1.9.1392 Bug in tree tagger tool (Roman)
19.11.2012 1.9.1368 Bug in corpus statistics for Non-HIAT-Transcriptions (GeWiss)
09.10.2012 1.9.1349 Corpus statistics for Non-HIAT-Transcriptions (GeWiss)
02.10.2012 1.9.1348 Merge document action (GeWiss)
01.08.2012 1.9 word list functionality was broken (like the first morning)
18.01.2012 1.9 Bug in speaker specific wordlists: counts all speakers in files with the selected speakers (Anna Komor)
23.12.2011 1.9 Completed first attempt at implementing speaker-specific word lists (Anna Komor)
16.12.2011 1.9 Started implementing speaker-specific word lists (Anna Komor)
21.10.2011 1.9 bug fix: version checking for new file (post-release...)
20.10.2011 1.9 Preparing release
20.10.2011 1.8.1100 fixed launcher, search-result-highlighting, L10n
19.10.2011 1.8.1100 removed roles code for release
05.07.2011 1.8.1061 Description profile as output option
22.06.2011 1.8.1057 Bug fix in CCW related to integration of segmentated files
22.06.2011 1.8.1057 Additional progress indicator when segmenting in CCW
17.06.2011 1.8.1044 removed established and newly introduced bugs (import languages, edit in commTable)
19.05.2011 1.8.1026 nulling keynames in harmonize keys dialog now deletes the keys
13.05.2011 1.8.1016 TreeTagger integrated into Tools menu
09.05.2011 1.8.1010 CHAT_MINIMAL segmentation added at several places (ur: E11)
13.04.2011 1.8.1000 One Thousand Commits! And: CCW doesn't create locations anymore
13.04.2011 1.8.997 Filter and Sort for language-type added
13.04.2011 1.8.989 Missing jar in CP for LINUX distribution
24.03.2011 1.8.982 Fixed bug in update recordings method
17.01.2011 1.8.913 Fixed bug in Count segments routine
06.01.2011 1.8.911 Fixed bug in Search & Replace routine
06.01.2011 1.8.910 Check type selection in COMA structure checking
05.01.2011 1.8.910 Temporal anomaly check also in COMA structure checking


Date Version Change
16.04.2024 1.14 Build windows distribution with new certificate (issue #450)
16.11.2023 1.14 Integrate pro functionality, step 1 (#437)
16.11.2023 1.14 Remove version checker (#436)
26.10.2023 1.14 Citation info in About dialogs (#429)
08.11.2022 1.13 New splashscreens (issues #341 and #37)
14.12.2020 1.13 First attempt at new Linux distributions (issue #238)
03.12.2020 1.13 License statement (issue #239)
02.12.2020 1.13 Use saxon9 instead of saxon9he (issue #228)
20.11.2020 1.13 OpenJDK 15 is breaking the JDS player (issue #217), so going back to 14 with a dirty fix for the encoding problem (issue #216)
16.11.2020 1.13 Using OpenJDK 15, make the encoding problem go away (issue #216)
02.03.2020 1.13 New preview version with 64bit / OpenJDK / Java 11+ (issue #199)
18.02.2020 1.13 Experimental version with 64bit / OpenJDK / Java 11+ (issue #199)
26.01.2017 1.10 Wrong time stamp for build time (issue #54), added some more info about JRE etc. to log file
13.12.2016 1.10 Changes to the installations script: FOLKER and OrthoNormal now officially part of the Windows EXMARaLDA distribution (issue #51)
04.12.2016 1.10 ... and SUN JMF distribution with 64bit Java embedded for Linux (issue #30)
04.12.2016 1.10 FOBS and SUN JMF distributions for Linux (issue #30)
03.12.2016 1.10 Wrong libraries for BAS Player on Linux (issue #30)
02.12.2016 1.10 Embedded java binaries need executable permissions (issue #30)
01.12.2016 1.10 Exchange Linux Bundled JRE 64bit to 32bit (issue #30)
19.01.2016 2.0 Updated ipsk libraries for BASAudioPlayer
17.12.2015 2.0 Embedded JRE for Linux distributions
16.10.2015 2.0 Changed linux sh scripts and mac plists to new library sitchuaishon
16.10.2015 2.0 Moved fobs dll to bundled jre
06.10.2015 2.0 Build from git: jsmooth path changes for Windows (todo: Mac and Linux)
10.07.2015 2.0 Bundled JRE 8 instead of 7 (WebLicht issue, Diffie-Hellmann)
09.07.2015 2.0 Fixed missing library in Linux distribution (Hanna)
13.05.2015 2.0 Bundle JRE on Windows
05.05.2015 2.0 some library cleanup for build, got rid of SUN JMF
04.09.2013 2.0 New splashscreens, removed desktop icons for Sextant and TEIDrop in Windows Build
04.09.2013 2.0 new icons
07.11.2012 1.9 ipsk.jar for BAS-Player was missing from MAC plists
06.11.2012 1.9 end of official support for PPC Mac
20.08.2012 1.9 Parameter HTML witdth in write partitur method (Leipzig)
16.11.2011 1.9 IDs for words in TEI export
19.10.2011 1.8 Preparing release
30.05.2011 1.8 Command line version for Praat export (Singer)
18.05.2011 1.8 Changed segmented transcription format: ta's can now have ref-id's
08.03.2011 1.8 Added Sextant tagger to Windows and Linux distributions


Date Version Change
31.07.2019 0.2.1026 repairs sextant linux launcher (#193)
30.05.2011 0.2.1029 Logging enabled (METU)
18.05.2011 0.2.1026 open tagset repaired
24.03.2011 0.2.982 Changes to the annotation panel
28.02.2011 0.3 moving inside taggables doesn't suck anymore
28.02.2011 0.3 Remove Attribute Button added


Date Version Change
24.05.2017 0.5 Added fln as a recognizable file suffix (issue #83)
14.12.2016 0.5 Wrong java path in Linux shell script (issue #30)
15.01.2015 0.4 Adaptations to new version of standard proposal (annotationGrp)
25.01.2012 0.3 Fixed namespace issue in FOLKER transformation (word IDs)
25.01.2012 0.3 File type recognition did not work with upper case filename extensions
16.02.2011 0.2 Removed ambigutiy in CleanAndSort stylesheet
19.01.2011 0.2 Lots of changes to transformation XSL in the tei package


Date Version Change