Manuals and Tutorials


  • for the EXMARaLDA Partitur Editor: PDF
  • for the EXMARaLDA Corpus Manager: PDF [German only]
  • for the search tool EXAKT: PDF

Video tutorials

  • Creating a transcription with the Partitur-Editor
  • WebLicht as a Service [German only]

Might also be interesting

  • A short version of the PE manual in Chinese can be found here (by Fan Junjun, Jinan University)

ic_help_black_48dp_1xFeel free to contact the CLARIN-D Helpdesk if you have additional questions.


ic_school_black_48dp_1xBesides that, we offer EXMARaLDa introductory training courses on regular basis, you can read more about them on this page.