EXMARaLDA Media Test Battery
An EXB transcript excerpt with:
- Audio file in WAV format
- Video file in MPEG-1 format
- Video file in MPEG-4 format
Download these files as a ZIP archive to test audio/video players in EXMARaLDA. Further notes on audio and video Support in EXMARaLDA can be found in the documents on this page.
Work with EXMARaLDA
Templates for working with the Annotation Panel
- Template for annotation specification files
- Specification for the Stuttgart-Tübingen-TagSet (STTS)
- Specification for the Stuttgart-Tübingen TagSet for transcripts of spoken language (STTS 2.0)
Click here for more information
Stylesheets for EXMARaLDA
- Generate a basic transcription from a speaker table
- Generate a format table from a transcription
- Generate an HTML representation of the meta information and speaker table
- Generate an HTML representation from an utterance list
- Visualize a basic transcription
- Other Stylesheets (not to be integrated into the Partitur-Editor)
Additional XML components of the EXMARaLDA system
“Document Type Definitions” (DTDs) and XML schemes
- basic-transcription.dtd
- tierformat-table.dtd
- segmented-transcription.dtd
- list-transcription.dtd
- interlinear-text.dtd
- fsm.dtd
- unicode-keyboard.dtd
- CoMaCorpus.xsd
Keyboard layouts for the virtual keyboard
- Armenian
- Cyrillic
- Greek
- Special characters for DIDA
- Special characters for GAT
- Special characters for HIAT
- International Phonetic Alphabet
- Diacritics
- Other symboles and iconic characters
- Special characters that are needed for postprocessing of data imported from syncWriter
Finite-state machines (segmentation algorithms)