VIELKO- Vietnamese learner corpus

The Vietnamese Learner Corpus (VieLko) – comprising language data from Vietnamese students of German Studies – was annotated using EXMARaLDA on four levels: tokenisation, lemmatisation, parts of speech (POS) and first grade target hypothesis (ZH1). The corpus includes written as well as spoken data from bachelor and master students at two universities in Hanoi, Vietnam – ranging from written language exam texts, exam interviews, presentations, essays, seminar papers, to graduating theses. Aside from linguistic markups, the data were also encoded with a variety of metadata about the students’ language acquisition background. VieLko is currently accessible as a local copy in COMA format with limited corpus search functions and would soon be made publicly available on Project DAKODA’s repositorium (, providing more search functionality and also downloadability of its data.
For more information about the corpus, please refer to the following article:
Ho, Thi Bao Van (2023): VIELKO – Vietnamesisches Lernerkorpus. In: Korpora Deutsch als Fremdsprache 3(1), 152–158.